Friday, December 14, 2007

We're a bit behind...Tis the season

So much has happened since our last posting. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Morgan is growing as fast as ever. We are all finally getting over the 6 weeks of colds we had running rampant through our house, and Morgan has finally adapted to daycare very well. Unfortunately for me, that is just in time for her to start having the attachment issues. At this point, she is just clinging to my neck for dear life, and that is bad enough. Once she starts crying when I leave, then I'm likely to be a sobbing mess on the way to work. Maybe I'll be the lucky Mommy who doesn't have to go through that stuff right??? Maybe Morgan will completely skip that stage...that is what I'm hoping anyways. Maybe I'm just dreaming...

We spent Thanksgiving just down the street at Jeff and Dana's house. That was a blast. We ate lots of yummy food and spent some good quality time together. Grandma Geri came from Minnesota and Eric and Jen also came down from Minnesota and that was great to have them stay with us. Grandma Geri even watched ALL of the kids one night so the six of us could have a night out on the town!!! Ok, so we just went to have some food and drinks, but we were out until Midnight!!! Yay!!! We are still young! Morgan had her first Thanksgiving meal and we found out that she is just a turkey hound! The girl just LOVES meat! Turkey, ham, you name it she loves it. She was also extremely fond of the sweet potato's, which are the Bohrer kids' favorite, so she fit in very well. Morgan enjoyed every bit of it, but we pretty much covered in it when she was done. I've included a photo below of daddy taking the dust buster to Morgan's clothes to clean her off. She absolutely loved it and thought it was funny!

Since Thanksgiving Morgan has graduated to eating adult food. It's wonderful to give her what we are eating for dinner, and it's great not to make special trips to the store because we're out of food for her. She is definitely growing fast. I can't believe her 1st birthday is just around the corner!

Here are some pictures that were taken in November.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Our Little Piglet

Halloween was lots of fun this year. It's much more fun when you have children, and you see them get so excited! Our sweet little girl went as piglet. She was just too sweet! She went trick-or-treating with her cousins around their neighborhood. Abby was a Nebraska Cheerleader, Caleb was a lion, Anna was Cinderella (before she was a princess), and Noah was a frog. They were all so cute together! It was a blast to watch them all. This year Morgan was just content to sit and watch everyone from the stroller. I guess we better enjoy that this year, I'm sure next year she'll want to get out and run with the big kids! Just the thought that she'll be walking next Halloween is just CRAZY!!! AHHHH!!!!

Morgan was a bit under the weather on Halloween night, and we found out Thursday night that she has her first ear infection. The poor little girl. We have to say that she has been quite the trooper though. We have one tough cookie and she has already shown signs that the medication is working. She is mostly back to her happy self and we couldn't be happier. We realized how much we missed her happy laughs and big smiles!

So, here are a few pictures of halloween!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch, with our Pumpkin!

Morgan's first trip to the Pumpkin Patch was this weekend. Unfortunately, it was a very quick visit. We set out Saturday afternoon to find a Pumpkin farm that neither of us had been to before. However, there was a bridge out on the road where the farm was supposed to be. So, we ended up going to pumpkin farm relatively close to our house, which was great. Except for the fact that we arrived there at 4:40pm and it closed at 5pm. It was short visit, but just long enough to get some pictures of our little pumpkin sitting among all the big pumpkins! It was still fun to see her excited about the pumpkins!

Here are some pictures we got!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fall Trip to NH

We are finally home safe and sound from our trip out East. We got home last night, Wednesday and we jumped right back into work & daycare today.

Our trip was so much fun, but so exhausting. Morgan was quite the trooper. She put up with sitting in her car seat much better than we anticipated. Toward the end of the trip each way she was pretty crabby, but hey, so were we so we couldn't blame her.

We got to meet Morgan's cousin Gareth and see lots of family. Morgan was quite nervous at the family reunion as there were many new faces for her. Fortunately some of them did meet her the day we got there, so at least she knew some faces.

We had a great time, but we are glad we are back home and trying to get back into a routine. Here are some pictures from our great adventure; and Morgan's FIRST Vacation!!!

Trip to NH - Oct. 07

Monday, October 8, 2007

More teeth are poppin' through!

This is the first entry we've had in quite some time because Morgan has had a VERY rough last couple of weeks. And when I say rough, I mean just awful. She worked hard to get those top 2 teeth to come through for about 2 weeks. We went to the doctor's office the last Wednesday in September because she had a temperature of 102.5 and this was the first time Morgan had ever had a fever and we all were feeling it. The poor girl was waking up at night, almost every night crying and just wanting to be held. She was having trouble eating and wasn't chewing on any toys. That was a first. I guess her little gums were just too raw to chew on stuff. This went on for about a week until Tuesday October 1st. That was supposed to be my first day back at work full-time, but that didn't happen. I scheduled her for another doctor's visit on Tuesday because I was beginning to think there was something wrong. However, that morning her fever broke and a nice pearly white popped through. I have NEVER been so excited to see a tooth in my life!

Fortunately Morgan is back to her happy go lucky self and we are all happy that is over and done with, until the Molars, we hope! Yay!!! Our happy baby girl is back!

Here are some random pictures that were taken in September:

Holdin' my own bottle...........and laying with my cuddle blankie

Standing...................... daddy did my it?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Labor Day Weekend in St. Paul

Labor Day weekend was a great extended weekend for us. We left Friday night and didn't have to come back until Tuesday. It was a great trip! We were able to catch up with a lot of the family and Morgan was able to play with her cousins!

On Saturday, Morgan spent some time with Grandma while Paul and I went out for a few hours. It was great for Paul and I spend some quality time together! Of course, that doesn't happen too often these days, so it was much appreciated. Saturday evening, Paul, Morgan and I met up with the cousins and their kids. Morgan got to sit and play with Lila, baby Gavin, and baby Gabby. Meanwhile, Emma, Ashlyn and Izzy were running around playing too! We also got to visit with Tracy, who is due with twins in December! She looked wonderful and it was great to hear all about those sweet little boys growing in her tummy! It was a regular daycare, but it was a lot of fun to watch them all and catch up! We stayed pretty late and Morgan did very well sleeping at their place. I guess she felt right at home with all the kids running and crawling around!

Gone are the days of sleeping in after staying out late! So, we tried to have a relaxing Sunday morning and in the afternoon we spent some time with Grandpa Larry, and Sue. Morgan was a bit hesitant around Grandpa Larry, but it didn't take long before she was giving him her sweet dimpled smiles! Morgan even took a good nap at their house. We're glad we have such a versatile daughter and she doesn't seem to be very picky about where she sleeps!

Monday Paul and I went to the Twins game, which was quite uneventful, but it was still fun to get out and enjoy the afternoon. Morgan played with Cousin Lila at Ted and Theresa's house while we were gone. Finally, Tuesday we headed home. We were all exhausted, but we had a blast!

Below are some pictures from the trip!

Labor Day Weekend

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Morgan's First Parade!

August has been a fun month, although it has just flown by! Morgan is now 7 months old! Whoa! Where has the time gone! She is growing up too fast! She still is not crawling, but we really don't think she will crawl. We have a learning table that she loves to stand at and play. She can stand for quite some time too. She also loves to lean against the couch and play with her toys on the couch!

Just last weekend we went to Morgan's first parade. The Middleton Parade. It was actually such a big parade that had to leave in the middle of it for nap time. Morgan did great and loved it. She wasn't scared at all. A couple times she made some pretty weird faces, but she loved it! Below are some pictures from the Parade!

Morgan makes a face as the Middleton Band marches by us!
Clown on Stilts and the Middleton Cheerleaders!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Good Times in July & August

Morgan turned 6 months old on July 29th. How crazy is that??? We had her 6 month check and she is doing great. She is now 19 pounds 8 ounces and 27 inches long. A very big girl! She is still at the top of the charts for height and weight. Fortunately now she is growing into her head too!

Morgan is now sitting up all on her own, with the occasional tipsy topple! Yay!!! She is also eating big girl food and trying some of our dinners too! This morning Morgan and I had to run some errands so we stopped at Denny's and had breakfast. She got to have some potatoes. Very exciting! I think the jury is still out on the taste of them!

Here are some new pictures! Can you believe she is already 6 months old???!!!

July-August07 Pictures

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Morgan has gotten her second tooth now! We just found it today, but it looks like it has been there a couple of days already. I can't believe how quickly it happens. I guess once the first one's through, they just a keep on comin'!!!

Stay tuned...I am sure there is more to come yet!

More random pics of the FAM in July!

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Captain Underpants!!!

Morgan - 5 & half mos. (July)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Morgan's First Tooth!!!

Tuesday was a very exciting day! I was giving Morgan some Orajel for those gooey little gums, when I felt something sharp! Morgan's first tooth was coming in!!! Yay!!! It's been a couple of rough days for her, but she is pulling through and the tooth is visible now! We can't believe she already has a tooth! What a big girl! Until next time....

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Morgan Plays in New Baby Pool!

Daddy playing with Morgan!

Look at that cute belly!!!
Morgan had her first experience in her new Pool on Wednesday afternoon! It was a super hot day so we busted out the pool and we put her in her cute little swimmers, and her new bathing suit! She really enjoyed it right from the start. We didn't even get any funny faces! There were plenty of pool toys to try to eat, so she had a blast and I think we had just as much fun as she did! There is nothing cuter in this world than seeing your baby in a tiny winy bathing suit!!! I just had an ear to ear grin the whole time! It was GREAT fun!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

June is a BIG month!

June has been a huge month in the Bohrer family. First, we had Morgan's 4 month check up on June 6th, ahd she is a healthy growing girl. She weighed in at 16 1/2 pounds and 26 1/2 inches. 98% and 99% for height and weight! I think we've got a little Paully on our hands! Our doctor agreed with me that she is probably teething, as she has been crabby some days, which is totally unlike her. For a few days I actually wondered what happened to our daughter. She was just not herself. Fortunately, she has come around and is only having bad days every once in a while now.

Morgan also had her first meal (rice cereal) on June 8th and has been loving it ever since! She made the typical "what is this stuff in my mouth" face, but she always wants more and just can't get enough of it. She has been in a highchair a couple of times, and seems to enjoy playing with toys in it. We are still waiting a couple of weeks to eat in it, as she is still a bit unsteady. Below is a video of her first feeding in the bouncy seat.
View this slideshow created at One True Media

Below are some pictures of her in the highchair playing! (The first week in June)

Morgan has also taken to her swing again. We think she really enjoys being able to sit up and see more of the world, and she's actually big enough to play with the attached toys now too! Here are a couple pictures of her in the swing. What a cutepie!

The last bit of June news is that Morgan is finally sleeping with her arms out now! Hurray!!! This was a huge deal because she was constantly waking up in the middle of the night when she would become unswaddled! She was just too big to be swaddled anymore. So, last week we began working on that, and she has adapted very well, and so have we because we are getting much more sleep!!! Here is a picture of the first time sleeping with her arms out!

Well, many new things have happened this month and we have loved every minute of it. We'll keep you posted on all of the new things that are still coming up! Until next time...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Morgan's First Long Weekend Away From Home!

View this montage created at One True Media
May 2007

Click on the picture above for a video montage.

We are finally home and getting things back to normal after our fun but exhausting trip to St. Paul for Memorial Day Weekend. We were a bit worried about the trip, especially after our experience going to our friends' wedding in Milwaukee a couple weekends ago, but Morgan did absolutely wonderful all weekend long and actually napped in her pack-and-play outside at the park!!! We were very proud parents! She enjoyed meeting the family and getting some fresh air! It was a bit windy, but as you'll see in the video above, she had an adorable hat on and was all cozied up in a blankie, so she was nice and toasty! We got to meet Tom & Angie's new twins, Gavin and Gabrielle. They were just so sweet and adorable. It is hard to imagine that Morgan was almost that tiny only a few short months ago!!! We also got to meet Lila, Ted & Theresa's 5 month-old daughter! She was such a cute little bundle! It is amazing how fast kids grow up and things change in the Bohrer family, so it was great to see everyone and catch up on the past few months!

We stayed with Uncle Eric for a few days and then with Grandpa Larry and Sue and Morgan did very well sleeping at both places. We were grateful that she took to her pack-and-play so quickly! It would have been a long weekend without it! Paul and I were actually able to go out two nights in a row while Grandma Geri spent some time with Morgan. One night we went out with Eric and his girlfriend, Jen, and the other night we got to spend some quality time out at dinner together. It was a great time!

All in all, it was a great first trip for all of us! We had a great time and can't wait until the next time we can go back home!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Morgan's First All Day Outing!

We finally had our first day trip as a family this past Saturday. We were not able to get a sitter so we ventured out to a friends wedding, Morgan in tow. She handled being stuck in the car for the ride to Milwaukee fairly well, even though she couldn't get out and play. She was such a good girl all day. She was like a little sponge just taking the whole world in and she was very mellow and barely even made a peep all day.

However, at about 6pm, that all changed!
Everything was so new and exciting and she just would not sleep the WHOLE day. So by 6pm she was just pooped; crying and all. Fortunately, we were able to get her to doze off for about a half hour, but since she hadn't slept in hours, that did very little. The screaming began again just as we were pulling out of the reception to head home. She screamed for about a half hour in the car until finally she just gave in to utter exhaustion. So....the lesson learned??? Do WHATEVER POSSIBLE, TO MAKE HER TAKE A NAP!!! There is absolutely nothing worse than being strapped into a car next to a screaming baby who is completely over-tired!

So, that being said, hopefully our trip to St. Paul for Memorial Day Weekend will be much better. Stayed tuned for the update...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

More pictures of Morgan

Just click on "The Adventures of "M" for more pictures of our growing girl!
The adventures of "M"


Morgan slept for 8 1/2 hours last night; 9:30pm to 6:00am!!! Woohoo!!! We are on our way!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Easter Sunday

Easter was a great day! Grandma Geri and cousins Abby, and Caleb joined us for the Easter service at our church. Then we enjoyed a yummy lunch at Jeff and Dana's house afterwards, where the Easter Bunny delivered more baskets for Lil' M. What a spoiled little girl!

Monday, April 2, 2007

2 Month Check Up - What a big girl!

Friday was quite an eventful day. It was Morgan's 2 Month check up at the Doctor's office, and I think it was just as tramatic for me as it was for her. I thought I'd be able to handle her getting shots, but boy was I unprepared. I think I cried just as much as she did. It was just awful to watch her in so much pain. I cried so much, the nurse said I made her cry. Atleast it is over, and it won't happen again for another couple of months.

We also found out that Morgan has probably had a cold the past couple of weeks. Dr. Culp said he could see that her nose was stuffed up and irritated. That explains why she has been so "off" lately. He said she's eating more often because she isn't getting as much because she can't breath very well through her nose, and that she isn't napping as well because she is probably waking up because she can't breath. So, it seems like we have our first case of the sniffles. We have been suctioning her poor little nose like crazy, so he told us to get some nasal drops to help with that. He also told us to use infant tylenol to help her feel better if she seems particularly fussy. So, all in all, it was a good visit. It is good to know that we are doing what we should and she is a little off her "schedule" because of a cold, and not because we are doing things wrong. That was good to hear.

The fun news is that she is now 12lbs. 5 oz., and 22 inches. Whoa! What a big girl. She has grown so fast. She is in the 84th percentile for weight and 93rd percentile for height. She is also in the 94th percentile for her head. (I could have guessed that! She is a Bohrer!)

Until next time...

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Morgan's Baptism - March 25, 2007

Morgan's Special day was on March 25, 2007. It was great to have Eric, Jen, Great-Grandma Bohrer, and Larry in town for the big event! Jeff, Dana, Abby, Caleb, Anna and Noah were also there as well as all of our friends from church. It was great to have everyone there to be with our family to welcome Morgan into God's family. Morgan did so good and only let out a little squeal once, just so we all knew that she was awake! I was so happy I couldn't keep my tears in. It was absolutely beautiful!

(As you can see above, Morgan wasn't quite so happy for pictures after the ceremony. She is definitely getting attached to that Nuk).

After church we enjoyed a lunch with all of our friends and family at the Hanschke's house. Morgan was a good girl and enjoyed playing and cooing at everyone (while laying on the floor). Unfortunately, she has already gotten to the stage where she doesn't want to be held, and would rather lay on the floor and check things out herself. A very independent girl! It was a long but wonderful day for all of us!

Stay tuned for pictures taken during the ceremony... I'll post them as soon as I get some from family.