Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fall Trip to NH

We are finally home safe and sound from our trip out East. We got home last night, Wednesday and we jumped right back into work & daycare today.

Our trip was so much fun, but so exhausting. Morgan was quite the trooper. She put up with sitting in her car seat much better than we anticipated. Toward the end of the trip each way she was pretty crabby, but hey, so were we so we couldn't blame her.

We got to meet Morgan's cousin Gareth and see lots of family. Morgan was quite nervous at the family reunion as there were many new faces for her. Fortunately some of them did meet her the day we got there, so at least she knew some faces.

We had a great time, but we are glad we are back home and trying to get back into a routine. Here are some pictures from our great adventure; and Morgan's FIRST Vacation!!!

Trip to NH - Oct. 07

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