Monday, October 8, 2007

More teeth are poppin' through!

This is the first entry we've had in quite some time because Morgan has had a VERY rough last couple of weeks. And when I say rough, I mean just awful. She worked hard to get those top 2 teeth to come through for about 2 weeks. We went to the doctor's office the last Wednesday in September because she had a temperature of 102.5 and this was the first time Morgan had ever had a fever and we all were feeling it. The poor girl was waking up at night, almost every night crying and just wanting to be held. She was having trouble eating and wasn't chewing on any toys. That was a first. I guess her little gums were just too raw to chew on stuff. This went on for about a week until Tuesday October 1st. That was supposed to be my first day back at work full-time, but that didn't happen. I scheduled her for another doctor's visit on Tuesday because I was beginning to think there was something wrong. However, that morning her fever broke and a nice pearly white popped through. I have NEVER been so excited to see a tooth in my life!

Fortunately Morgan is back to her happy go lucky self and we are all happy that is over and done with, until the Molars, we hope! Yay!!! Our happy baby girl is back!

Here are some random pictures that were taken in September:

Holdin' my own bottle...........and laying with my cuddle blankie

Standing...................... daddy did my it?

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