Thursday, May 17, 2007

Morgan's First All Day Outing!

We finally had our first day trip as a family this past Saturday. We were not able to get a sitter so we ventured out to a friends wedding, Morgan in tow. She handled being stuck in the car for the ride to Milwaukee fairly well, even though she couldn't get out and play. She was such a good girl all day. She was like a little sponge just taking the whole world in and she was very mellow and barely even made a peep all day.

However, at about 6pm, that all changed!
Everything was so new and exciting and she just would not sleep the WHOLE day. So by 6pm she was just pooped; crying and all. Fortunately, we were able to get her to doze off for about a half hour, but since she hadn't slept in hours, that did very little. The screaming began again just as we were pulling out of the reception to head home. She screamed for about a half hour in the car until finally she just gave in to utter exhaustion. So....the lesson learned??? Do WHATEVER POSSIBLE, TO MAKE HER TAKE A NAP!!! There is absolutely nothing worse than being strapped into a car next to a screaming baby who is completely over-tired!

So, that being said, hopefully our trip to St. Paul for Memorial Day Weekend will be much better. Stayed tuned for the update...

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