Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Morgan's First Long Weekend Away From Home!

View this montage created at One True Media
May 2007

Click on the picture above for a video montage.

We are finally home and getting things back to normal after our fun but exhausting trip to St. Paul for Memorial Day Weekend. We were a bit worried about the trip, especially after our experience going to our friends' wedding in Milwaukee a couple weekends ago, but Morgan did absolutely wonderful all weekend long and actually napped in her pack-and-play outside at the park!!! We were very proud parents! She enjoyed meeting the family and getting some fresh air! It was a bit windy, but as you'll see in the video above, she had an adorable hat on and was all cozied up in a blankie, so she was nice and toasty! We got to meet Tom & Angie's new twins, Gavin and Gabrielle. They were just so sweet and adorable. It is hard to imagine that Morgan was almost that tiny only a few short months ago!!! We also got to meet Lila, Ted & Theresa's 5 month-old daughter! She was such a cute little bundle! It is amazing how fast kids grow up and things change in the Bohrer family, so it was great to see everyone and catch up on the past few months!

We stayed with Uncle Eric for a few days and then with Grandpa Larry and Sue and Morgan did very well sleeping at both places. We were grateful that she took to her pack-and-play so quickly! It would have been a long weekend without it! Paul and I were actually able to go out two nights in a row while Grandma Geri spent some time with Morgan. One night we went out with Eric and his girlfriend, Jen, and the other night we got to spend some quality time out at dinner together. It was a great time!

All in all, it was a great first trip for all of us! We had a great time and can't wait until the next time we can go back home!

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