Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Good Times in July & August

Morgan turned 6 months old on July 29th. How crazy is that??? We had her 6 month check and she is doing great. She is now 19 pounds 8 ounces and 27 inches long. A very big girl! She is still at the top of the charts for height and weight. Fortunately now she is growing into her head too!

Morgan is now sitting up all on her own, with the occasional tipsy topple! Yay!!! She is also eating big girl food and trying some of our dinners too! This morning Morgan and I had to run some errands so we stopped at Denny's and had breakfast. She got to have some potatoes. Very exciting! I think the jury is still out on the taste of them!

Here are some new pictures! Can you believe she is already 6 months old???!!!

July-August07 Pictures

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