Thursday, August 30, 2007

Morgan's First Parade!

August has been a fun month, although it has just flown by! Morgan is now 7 months old! Whoa! Where has the time gone! She is growing up too fast! She still is not crawling, but we really don't think she will crawl. We have a learning table that she loves to stand at and play. She can stand for quite some time too. She also loves to lean against the couch and play with her toys on the couch!

Just last weekend we went to Morgan's first parade. The Middleton Parade. It was actually such a big parade that had to leave in the middle of it for nap time. Morgan did great and loved it. She wasn't scared at all. A couple times she made some pretty weird faces, but she loved it! Below are some pictures from the Parade!

Morgan makes a face as the Middleton Band marches by us!
Clown on Stilts and the Middleton Cheerleaders!

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