Friday, December 14, 2007

We're a bit behind...Tis the season

So much has happened since our last posting. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and Morgan is growing as fast as ever. We are all finally getting over the 6 weeks of colds we had running rampant through our house, and Morgan has finally adapted to daycare very well. Unfortunately for me, that is just in time for her to start having the attachment issues. At this point, she is just clinging to my neck for dear life, and that is bad enough. Once she starts crying when I leave, then I'm likely to be a sobbing mess on the way to work. Maybe I'll be the lucky Mommy who doesn't have to go through that stuff right??? Maybe Morgan will completely skip that stage...that is what I'm hoping anyways. Maybe I'm just dreaming...

We spent Thanksgiving just down the street at Jeff and Dana's house. That was a blast. We ate lots of yummy food and spent some good quality time together. Grandma Geri came from Minnesota and Eric and Jen also came down from Minnesota and that was great to have them stay with us. Grandma Geri even watched ALL of the kids one night so the six of us could have a night out on the town!!! Ok, so we just went to have some food and drinks, but we were out until Midnight!!! Yay!!! We are still young! Morgan had her first Thanksgiving meal and we found out that she is just a turkey hound! The girl just LOVES meat! Turkey, ham, you name it she loves it. She was also extremely fond of the sweet potato's, which are the Bohrer kids' favorite, so she fit in very well. Morgan enjoyed every bit of it, but we pretty much covered in it when she was done. I've included a photo below of daddy taking the dust buster to Morgan's clothes to clean her off. She absolutely loved it and thought it was funny!

Since Thanksgiving Morgan has graduated to eating adult food. It's wonderful to give her what we are eating for dinner, and it's great not to make special trips to the store because we're out of food for her. She is definitely growing fast. I can't believe her 1st birthday is just around the corner!

Here are some pictures that were taken in November.

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