Monday, April 2, 2007

2 Month Check Up - What a big girl!

Friday was quite an eventful day. It was Morgan's 2 Month check up at the Doctor's office, and I think it was just as tramatic for me as it was for her. I thought I'd be able to handle her getting shots, but boy was I unprepared. I think I cried just as much as she did. It was just awful to watch her in so much pain. I cried so much, the nurse said I made her cry. Atleast it is over, and it won't happen again for another couple of months.

We also found out that Morgan has probably had a cold the past couple of weeks. Dr. Culp said he could see that her nose was stuffed up and irritated. That explains why she has been so "off" lately. He said she's eating more often because she isn't getting as much because she can't breath very well through her nose, and that she isn't napping as well because she is probably waking up because she can't breath. So, it seems like we have our first case of the sniffles. We have been suctioning her poor little nose like crazy, so he told us to get some nasal drops to help with that. He also told us to use infant tylenol to help her feel better if she seems particularly fussy. So, all in all, it was a good visit. It is good to know that we are doing what we should and she is a little off her "schedule" because of a cold, and not because we are doing things wrong. That was good to hear.

The fun news is that she is now 12lbs. 5 oz., and 22 inches. Whoa! What a big girl. She has grown so fast. She is in the 84th percentile for weight and 93rd percentile for height. She is also in the 94th percentile for her head. (I could have guessed that! She is a Bohrer!)

Until next time...

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