Saturday, March 31, 2007

Morgan's Baptism - March 25, 2007

Morgan's Special day was on March 25, 2007. It was great to have Eric, Jen, Great-Grandma Bohrer, and Larry in town for the big event! Jeff, Dana, Abby, Caleb, Anna and Noah were also there as well as all of our friends from church. It was great to have everyone there to be with our family to welcome Morgan into God's family. Morgan did so good and only let out a little squeal once, just so we all knew that she was awake! I was so happy I couldn't keep my tears in. It was absolutely beautiful!

(As you can see above, Morgan wasn't quite so happy for pictures after the ceremony. She is definitely getting attached to that Nuk).

After church we enjoyed a lunch with all of our friends and family at the Hanschke's house. Morgan was a good girl and enjoyed playing and cooing at everyone (while laying on the floor). Unfortunately, she has already gotten to the stage where she doesn't want to be held, and would rather lay on the floor and check things out herself. A very independent girl! It was a long but wonderful day for all of us!

Stay tuned for pictures taken during the ceremony... I'll post them as soon as I get some from family.

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