Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas Wonderland in Wisconsin

This winter has already gone by so fast. Thanksgiving was spent with family back in Minnesota and we enjoyed a relatively quiet Christmas in Madison. Our annual Christmas Eve tradition is to go to church with Jeff, Dana and the kids. This year we went to St. Andrew's Christmas Eve Service with them. It was a bit rough with Morgan, since it was close to dinnertime, but the service was really nice. Afterward, we met back at the Bohrer's house. We ate some munchies and opened gifts. Morgan's favorite part was when her cousin's opened their wii from Grandma. They went nuts and she joined in too screaming and jumping around with the others! She wasn't sure what she was so excited about, but boy was she excited! That was really cute to watch...

We spent Christmas Day at our own house with Grandma. It was pretty quiet and very welcomed after the craziness of the season leading up to Christmas Day. Morgan was again overwhelmed this year and wasn't interested in opening the last few gifts. It worked out well that they were only clothes! The most fun part of the morning was watching Morgan put on her "big girl" underwear over her jammies. She wore them around for quite some time and then topped it off with her new bathrobe! Too funny! she is certainly independent.

Click the play button below to see some pictures!

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