Friday, December 18, 2009

Morgan Singing to Baby Jesus!

Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to rotate the video. Ugh. Otherwise, enjoy this adorable rendition of Happy Birthday to our Savior, Jesus Christ!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

18 inches +

Wednesday we were all able to stay home for a snow day! I LOVE forced relaxation. We all went outside and played. Here are some pictures from our day off!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Morgan's Debut Singing Performance

Last weekend Morgan got to sing Christmas songs with her preschool friends at Barnes and Noble. It was quite overwhelming for Morgan since there were TONS of kids and families as you'll see, but she got into it! Check it out!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Paul Thinks He's Maverick

Our friend Tim, who's in the Navy, flew into town last weekend for short visit. Paul tried on some of his gear...kinda did look like Maverick; only about 6 inches taller. Can you see it???

Morgan is a Preschooler!

Our Sweet baby girl is growing up so fast! Morgan began preschool on Wednesday, September 9th. (090909; a cool day indeed) A few weeks before school started we read books about preschool, and talked about what happens during the day. I have to say, I was a little more than worried about how she would handle it. She tends to be a shy girl and only a few months ago had SEVERE separation anxiety every day for 3 weeks when I dropped her off at daycare.

Once the day arrived, she was SO excited to go AND excited that she could bring her packpack to school, (also know as a backpack). I LOVE it so much when she says packpack, that I don't even want to correct it. One day she'll learn to say it correctly and I'll be sad. So, Wednesday morning was a shortened day. Paul and I stayed with her for a bit. We decorated a crown that she'll get to wear when she turns 3 and we got to hang around for circle time where they sang about Jesus. It was absolutely fascinating to be a part of that. Watching all of the kids and seeing where Morgan fits into it all. During circle time they all sat on their carpet squares, and by all I mean that the teachers tried their best to keep them on all on their carpet squares. Morgan sat SO well and followed direction too. I was absolutely amazed! To think that they're little minds can actually follow simple commands. Too bad they don't follow those simple commands at home! ;) Morgan was such a good girl and my heart lept just watching her grow up before my own eyes.

Last week was her first full week of preschool and she's loved every day of it. The first day I picked her up, she told me, "Morgan no want to go, want to stay here." SO cute! That was a good sign that she likes it! From what I've heard the teachers really love her. They keep saying how sweet she is and that she follows directions very well. They've even used Morgan as an example to follow what Morgan is doing. They say she's still a bit hesitant on the playground. She is more of a watcher than a doer, but they keep telling her to run and play. I'm sure that will happen soon enough! I'm SO proud of our little pumpkin!

Here are some of the pictures we got of our happy, excited girl the first morning of preschool!

This one below is the picture after we put her in pants and decided it was WAY too cold that morning to send her in skorts. (of course it heated up quickly and then after preschool we changed into shorts again. Gotta love this time of year!)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

May and June Pictures

Business is GOOD! And Some Summer Fun Too!

Fortunately, our business has been done really well the first half of this year. We have just completed a full basement remodel and yesterday we finished remodeling a house due to a water loss. It has been a VERY busy last couple of weeks. Here are some pictures from the basement remodel. Paul did an amazing job!

Last night we were able to finally get Morgan's new pool all set up! Last year she barely went in her little pool. She would squat outside the pool and play with the toys in the pool. This year was quite different. As soon as she saw it, she wanted to get right in (even though it was FREEZING). She LOVED it, and we had a great time. Here are a couple of pictures of last night!

And lastly, Morgan singing her ABC's...and getting totally distracted! SO funny! (Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to turn the video right-size up, so you'll just have to crane your neck to watch)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2-Year Olds Are Funny!

It has been such a blessing over the last couple of months to watch Morgan grow, and too see how God has given her such an amazing ability to grasp the concept of new things. Each day she is saying SO many new words, and understanding so many things that I am just in awe of how her brain works.

Recently, I've tried to make an agreement with myself to write every funny thing she says down...or at least blog about it, so someday she'll hear about it. I SO wish that I could have a hidden camera in the car when we are driving to and from daycare everyday. I'm pretty sure the athorities would frown upon me trying to videotape our conversations in the car! What amazing conversations we have, and I am really beginning to LOVE that time. We sing, say prayers, talk about the things we see and it is a lot of fun to be with her as she's learning and growing. Here are just a some of the things she's said in the past couple weeks...

One day I was praying aloud in the car, and she asked if she could pray too. I asked her who we should pray for and she said our Pastor. SO cool! So, I said, "Let's Pray." She said, "No Mama pray Pastor Jeff, Morgan pray Pastor Jeff." I said, "Ok, you can pray by yourself" She then proceeded to fold her hands, close her eyes and bow her head (VERY CUTE!) and then I could see her mumbling. I heard her saying our bedtime prayer and I nearly died with laughter (inside my head of course). Then she smiled, lifted her head and said "AMEN!" This was one of the cutest things I have witnessed. We are blessed with such an amazing loving little girl and my heart grew 10 times just watching and listening to her that day. (and Pastor Jeff, she prayed the Now I Lay Me prayer just for you!)

Another funny story...One day Morgan had asked me why I had stopped the car. She wanted me to keep driving of course, so I had been teaching her what stoplights were as we were driving. I showed her the colors and that we stop at red lights, and we go at green lights. So, "Red means stop, Yellow means caution, and green means GO!" (and hearing her yell caution is just so darn cute!) One day, about a week later, I had turned around to talk with her while the stop light was red. We had been there for about 15 seconds when Morgan said, "Mama, Green means go!" I turned around to see a green light! I was SO impressed! Now she's telling me how to drive and she's only 2!!!

I have one last funny story to share today...To give you some background in case you haven't read our previous posts. Morgan has recently been potty trained. We are no longer in diapers, YAY!!! So she has really been into all stuff about the potty. She LOVES this movie we have called "Potty Power." (P.s. I would encourage any of you who are going to do potty training to get this movie! Morgan just loves it and it's VERY basic. They just sing songs, and talk about the basics of going potty. I thought it was a great tool to help Morgan understand). Anyway, I digress; So, one day we were running really late on the way to daycare. I told her we were late for daycare because the power went out at home. Of course I wasn't thinking clearly and any 2 year old would then ask what that means. Try explaining a power outage to your toddler someday. NOT an easy task. So, I gave it a whirl knowing it wouldn't really go anywhere. I said that the power had gone out, that it controls a lot of the things in our house like the lights, the fans, our alarm clocks by our beds, and her sound machine too. Then she said, as if perfectly factual information, "Like Potty Power, Like Morgan's Potty Power!" and what else could I say??? I was laughing so hard. I said...yep, kinda like potty power! (Yeh, you give it a try sometime and see if you can do any better!)

Well, those are a few stories for right now. I hope they gave you a little chuckle. They sure gave me one!

Til me meet again!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

One Long Weekend = One Potty Trained Little Girl

This weekend we began the adventures in potty training. We talked it up pretty good Friday night about wearing big girl underwear, going potty on the potty, and getting money for each success. She was pretty excited about it on Saturday morning and it all began with a bang. Right away she got the hang of it, and between nap and bedtime we only had one accident. Amazing! Today was almost as if we had a child who'd been potty trained for a month! WEIRD! She went to the potty all on her own and I didn't need to set a timer once today. Just amazing. We only had 2 accidents ALL day; once when she couldn't get to the potty quick enough, and the other was barely noticeable.

We are SO proud of our little pumpkin. She's growing up so fast and without a diaper she just looks older! Its like she grew a year older in just 2 days. Sigh...our little girl isn't so little anymore...

Well, tomorrow I plan to stay home with her to make sure she's really trained. I have NO idea what will unfold once we get out into public. You can't carry around a potty, so what do you do when you're in the middle of copps? The playground??? There's so much we have to learn and fast! My prayer is that things continue to go well once Morgan goes back to daycare on Tuesday and that there won't be a total lapse once she's playing with friends and doesn't want to go to the potty. I'm praying this weekend wasn't exhausting for nothing!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is Here...almost...

So it has been almost 2 months since I last posted. Uploading pictures to our blog, to facebook, to snapfish (to buy them and put in albums) has NOT been high on the priority list. Too many places to upload pictures, and I have had very little desire to do so. The last couple of weeks we have certainly got a taste of spring and have spent a ton of time outside. Praise God for warm days of 50's and 60's, and even one day of 70! We've even grilled out twice already this year. Mmm...Hamburgers! Morgan has already played in the dirt and fell in the mud and she was totally OK with that! We gave her some gardening tools to play with and she was entertained for quite a while. It gave us some time to chat and have a nice conversation while she was busy getting dirty! Below are a couple pictures of her having fun in the dirt!

By the end of that night she was caked full of dirt and had a muddy knee. What fun for a 2 year old toddler! Spring has been amazing for all of us, since Morgan hasn't been bored. Her tantrums had gotten a bit more frequent, but now we know that she was just totally bored! Another bonus of spring and playing outside: she is running ALL over the place. Quite the change from last year when she would barely move in the grass! AND she is EXHAUSTED and sleeps VERY well. She doesn't even talk to herself when we put her in bed, and most of the time when we check on her before we go to bed, she is in the exact same position as when we left. She doesn't even have the energy to move!

Lately Morgan just seems like such a big girl! She's growing up...sigh. She is talking in complete sentences and so many times I have laughed out loud as what she says. The other day we were in the car, with the windows down because it was really nice outside and she said, "Wind too loud, for Morgan." I nearly died. It was SO funny. I suppose she probably can't remember the last time we had the windows open!!!

Over the past 3 weeks, we've been struggling with Morgan's separation anxiety. She has not done well being left at Christina's house each morning (our daycare). This week will be pretty rough, since Christina is on vacation and Morgan will be going to our old daycare for the week. We met with them tonight to catch up and we ended up leaving when Morgan started crying and saying she wanted to go home 20 minutes into the visit. This will be a VERY rough week for me. Pray that she does well and I'm able to withstand a week of meltdowns!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nanny Visits for Morgan's 2nd Birthday

All week long we've heard Morgan sing, "Happy Birthday Cake Morgan!" (this is her version of Happy Birthday) I would gather from that alone that she REALLY enjoyed her birthday this past week.

Nanny got into town the Friday before Morgan's birthday. Then on Thursday, Morgan's birthday, we all went out to eat at Pedro's. Morgan got a cupcake, but not before they came out singing and clapping and scared the daylights out of her! She was crying and leaning toward Paul saying "up, up!" The staff must not have training on what to do when a baby's crying while they're singing the happy birthday song because they just kept singing until the end! Oh well, after a bite of cupcake Morgan was all smiles again! After dinner we headed back home for more fun with presents and ice cream cake. Morgan got to stay up late and she loved every minute of it! We also had a birthday party on Saturday with some family. Morgan had no problems tearing open her gifts this year, and she absolutely had a blast with her cousins!

What a difference ONE year makes in the short life of a two year old. After watching old home video's recently from Morgan's 1st birthday, I am completely in awe of Morgan's growth. Last year at this time Morgan didn't know how to walk, talk, open gifts, and was afraid of everyone! So much has changed. She's running, and certainly talking; even singing. Morgan is learning so much every day and it’s amazing to see her growing SO fast. She is 34inches, and 31 pounds now! She is putting together 5-word sentences and at her recent doctor's appoint, they said her speaking and actions are at 3 year old level. We are SO proud of her!

I'm such a proud mommy that I have to spend a moment gloating. She can count from 1 – 10, and has recently started the journey to count to 20. She sings all of the ABC's, except that last line about "next time sing with me." She knows all the letters though! Morgan also LOVES to sing. She sings Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, The B-I-B-L-E song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the list goes on...She is also now praying for her babies when she "feeds" them and puts them to "sleep". Too Sweet! She is such a cuddle bug right now. I just love all of her hugs and kisses. I wish that she would stay 2 forever. I'm so in love!

Nanny went home on Sunday after spending 10 days with us. Morgan loved having Nanny around! She loved having another playmate to enjoy "making someting" in her new kitchen with. Nanny was able to spend a few days at home with Morgan while I went to work, and then I was able to take Thursday and Friday off to hang out. Nanny left on Sunday, and since then Morgan has been asking "Nanny go?" especially at bedtime. We had a great time, but it was just too short and Morgan misses her already!

Here are a few pictures of the fun time we had!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas Wonderland in Wisconsin

This winter has already gone by so fast. Thanksgiving was spent with family back in Minnesota and we enjoyed a relatively quiet Christmas in Madison. Our annual Christmas Eve tradition is to go to church with Jeff, Dana and the kids. This year we went to St. Andrew's Christmas Eve Service with them. It was a bit rough with Morgan, since it was close to dinnertime, but the service was really nice. Afterward, we met back at the Bohrer's house. We ate some munchies and opened gifts. Morgan's favorite part was when her cousin's opened their wii from Grandma. They went nuts and she joined in too screaming and jumping around with the others! She wasn't sure what she was so excited about, but boy was she excited! That was really cute to watch...

We spent Christmas Day at our own house with Grandma. It was pretty quiet and very welcomed after the craziness of the season leading up to Christmas Day. Morgan was again overwhelmed this year and wasn't interested in opening the last few gifts. It worked out well that they were only clothes! The most fun part of the morning was watching Morgan put on her "big girl" underwear over her jammies. She wore them around for quite some time and then topped it off with her new bathrobe! Too funny! she is certainly independent.

Click the play button below to see some pictures!