Sunday, June 21, 2009

Business is GOOD! And Some Summer Fun Too!

Fortunately, our business has been done really well the first half of this year. We have just completed a full basement remodel and yesterday we finished remodeling a house due to a water loss. It has been a VERY busy last couple of weeks. Here are some pictures from the basement remodel. Paul did an amazing job!

Last night we were able to finally get Morgan's new pool all set up! Last year she barely went in her little pool. She would squat outside the pool and play with the toys in the pool. This year was quite different. As soon as she saw it, she wanted to get right in (even though it was FREEZING). She LOVED it, and we had a great time. Here are a couple of pictures of last night!

And lastly, Morgan singing her ABC's...and getting totally distracted! SO funny! (Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to turn the video right-size up, so you'll just have to crane your neck to watch)

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