Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Morgan's 1 Year Old; Happy Birthday!

So, our sweet "little" girl turned one on January 29th. What a whirlwind it has been this last year, but Morgan has made our lives so much sweeter than it ever could have been without her. Every day she amazes us with the things she is doing, and new words pop up almost daily. It's just overwhelming how much God has blessed us with this precious life.

Morgan has done SO many things since our last posting. She is saying so many words, including (doggie-which was her first real word). That was back in December actually. She is also saying, Uh-oh, oops and oopsie, baby, button, block, and I'm sure I'm missing a few too. Her latest phrase is "what's that." I'm sure she has no idea that she is actually asking a question, as she says it all day long, and could care less about the answer she gets! It is still absolutely adorable to hear though. That's still two words in a row!!! Yay!! She has also learned a couple of signs as well. She can sign "all done" and "more." We are teaching her a few more, so hopefully that will help with the frustration. Speaking of, "help" is one of the signs we are working on now too!

Every day Morgan is doing more and more. The other day, she lifted up my pantleg and moved her tongue in and out of her mouth as though she were tickling me. I nearly died it was so funny! What a cutiepie. I wish she could stay this age forever!

Well, here is a montage of the pictures we took from her birthday night with Paul and I, and also the day of her big 1st birthday party. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Mom/Shannon said...

HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY MORGAN!!! I am glad to see you had a wonderful time for your birthday! As always, wishing I was there to celebrate life with you!

XOXOXO! Love Nanny