Thursday, January 10, 2008

BREAKING NEWS...The Pumpkin is mobile!!!

Finally, we are the proud parents of a crawling daughter! For the past two weeks, Morgan has been growing in leaps and bounds in the crawling department. About two weeks ago, she realized she could get up on all fours. Slowly, she has taken one or two steps over the past 2 weeks. Last night she let off the breaks and just took off. She realized she could leave her toy area all by herself and she made a bee-line toward the kitchen, with an enormous grin on her face. It was the most precious thing I think I've ever seen! She then proceeded to throw everything out of daddy's lunchbox and chew on some crackers (still in the package of course). It was just amazing to watch our daughter grow up right before our very eyes! I was near tears and she was all smiles! It was absolutely wonderful! I've never been so happy or proud! What a wonderful moment!

Hopefully I'll have a picture of her crawling online soon. But for now...we're off to baby proof the house!

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