Wednesday, June 20, 2007

June is a BIG month!

June has been a huge month in the Bohrer family. First, we had Morgan's 4 month check up on June 6th, ahd she is a healthy growing girl. She weighed in at 16 1/2 pounds and 26 1/2 inches. 98% and 99% for height and weight! I think we've got a little Paully on our hands! Our doctor agreed with me that she is probably teething, as she has been crabby some days, which is totally unlike her. For a few days I actually wondered what happened to our daughter. She was just not herself. Fortunately, she has come around and is only having bad days every once in a while now.

Morgan also had her first meal (rice cereal) on June 8th and has been loving it ever since! She made the typical "what is this stuff in my mouth" face, but she always wants more and just can't get enough of it. She has been in a highchair a couple of times, and seems to enjoy playing with toys in it. We are still waiting a couple of weeks to eat in it, as she is still a bit unsteady. Below is a video of her first feeding in the bouncy seat.
View this slideshow created at One True Media

Below are some pictures of her in the highchair playing! (The first week in June)

Morgan has also taken to her swing again. We think she really enjoys being able to sit up and see more of the world, and she's actually big enough to play with the attached toys now too! Here are a couple pictures of her in the swing. What a cutepie!

The last bit of June news is that Morgan is finally sleeping with her arms out now! Hurray!!! This was a huge deal because she was constantly waking up in the middle of the night when she would become unswaddled! She was just too big to be swaddled anymore. So, last week we began working on that, and she has adapted very well, and so have we because we are getting much more sleep!!! Here is a picture of the first time sleeping with her arms out!

Well, many new things have happened this month and we have loved every minute of it. We'll keep you posted on all of the new things that are still coming up! Until next time...

1 comment:

Mom/Shannon said...

I am so happy to see the videos of Morgan! She is such a beautiful grand daughter! What a smart little girl and my how she has grown! I can't wait to see her again in the fall! Love to you all!