Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring is Coming!

It's been a long winter, but we are finally seeing signs of spring!! It's been in the low 50's this week and we are looking for a few days of sunshine too! Today we did some painting in the living room! We painted one wall a dark brown and it looks great and now I'm in the mood to do some more! I've gotten a hint of spring in the air (and by this I mean it smells like mud a lot) and I feel like I have been nesting! (And, NO, I'm NOT pregnant). We'll finish painting our master bathroom tomorrow. Something that should have been done YEARS ago! No more baby blue and yellow stenciling! WOOHOO!!

The last couple of months have been rather uneventful being winter and all, which is why we decided to take a weekend trip to Minnesota a few weekends ago! I had a fun time at our cousin's baby shower, while Paully got to hang with the guys and Morgan spent the night with Grandma. Paul and I got to go out with the cousins that night for a few drinks too! It was a lot of fun to just hang out. Sunday morning Paul and I went to grandma's house to pick up Morgan and we got a good taste of her independence. After a 25 minute power struggle, we finally won and we were off on our way home. The temper-tantrums are a new thing for her, and we are still learning how to deal with them. Welcome to the three's!

Last weekend we bought Morgan her twin mattress and Tuesday she was in it! She was SOOOO excited to have her tinkerbell sheets! She told me last night that she likes to talk to tinkerbell! Too cute!

Well, I have been terrible at keeping up on my blog, but here are a TON of pics from the last few months! Enjoy!

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