Monday, November 17, 2008

Morgan's Counting AND she's Athletic

Last night was a pretty big night for Morgan. Although she has been teething and sick she still just amazes us! It is such a blessing to watch her grow up. I just LOVE every minute of it.

So, yesterday she counted to 10! Yay!!! She did have a little prompting with "Nine" but she completed them! What a big girl!!! It has to be the cutest thing in the world to listen to a little toddler voice count to ten. What music to the ears!

A bit later I'm laying on the floor playing with her and I'm reading about "Obama" to her. Yes, Grandma left her people magazine at our house and Morgan now LOVES to say Obama. Anyway, I'm reading this magazine to her and next thing I know she's rolling over and did a somersault right on top of the magazine! YAY!! She didn't seem to think it was a big deal though.

Maybe she IS going to be athletic after all!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008



Morgan went this Halloween as a butterfly, although we couldn't get to her wear the hat part. It certainly took some getting used to. I bought it a month early and had to leave it sitting out for her to get used to. The day we bought it, she would not go near it! Fortunately, after many introductions to it, now she just LOVES it and has worn it a bunch after Halloween! Morgan had a GREAT time trick or treating with us, Jeff, Dana and the cousins. She even stayed in the stroller the whole time!. (We were worried that she would want to walk, and that would have been a real treat for Paul and I!)

The top two pictures are of us on Halloween night at the Bohrer's house. The next picture is of her and her pumpkin. She decorated her pumpkin with stickers and had a blast doing it. Less messy that way for us! Maybe next year we'll get all gooey with her. The one in her carseat is her first experience with Halloween Candy (or actually Halloween rice krispy treats. A fabulous idea and Morgan loved it). The last pictures is of Christina (our daycare provider) and her 4 year old son Ethan, Elijah who goes to daycare too and Morgan. We went to Christina's church to do trunk-or-treat before Halloween. Morgan had a great time, after crying because there were SO many kids and it was a bit overwhelming. Once she realized that people were giving her candy from their trunks, she was off to the races!!!

Here's a cute little Morgan story from Halloween night...each time we went up to the houses, instead of saying Trick-or-Treat, she kept saying "one?" As in, can I have one??? It was too funny. It's a good thing she's still young, otherwise it wouldn't have sounded so cute!!!

Thanks for stopping by! Until next time...