Tuesday, May 20, 2008

All Better...

So, finally after about 3 weeks of just yuckiness in our household, we are finally BACK!

We like to do things as a family, so this time we thought we would all get some Antibiotics together too! Morgan ended up with an ear infection after about 1 and 1/2 weeks of a head cold and nasty cough. Paul had quite a productive cough that he got treated with antibiotics and I got my first Sinus infection and my own round of antibiotics. (I was feeling left out). This all took place over about a 3 week period. So, between Morgan not being able to sleep laying down, Paul not being able to sleep without coughing and me not being able to sleep because of the pain in my head, we were exhausted and just a bit touchy. What a treat is was for all of us.

Fortunately we are just finishing the antibiotics and we are doing tremendously better! We are now looking forward to our trip to Minnesota since are healthy and well slept!

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