Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Busy Spring Weeks

So this last week has been quite a busy and fun filled week for us. Our friends, Tim, Claire and Keenan were in town this week so it was wonderful to catch up and hang out. Keenan was only in town for a night, but it was great to see him after almost a year. Keenan brought their Cat, Henry. Tim and Claire brought their big dog, Abbra. Needless to say, the introduction did not go very well and Henry did NOT enjoy Abbra at all. He was pretty angry for quite a while after the introduction. Afterward he spent most of the time underneath our bed. It was a good thing there were 2 levels in the house so poor Henry didn't get eaten! I'll have to add a picture of cute little Henry.

Here's Henry...not so happy Henry

We also just got back from a trip to Minnesota for the yearly family picnic with Paul's family. It was so awesome to see all the cousins and little kids running around. They all have grown up SO much and there are even new babies joining the picnic for the first time. It was great to see Morgan with all of the cousins running around and playing together. The big girls, Ashlyn, Issy, and Emma were great older cousins and walked around with Morgan. Morgan just LOVED it and kept giving out hugs. It was too sweet. I think Morgan wants an older sister; she just loved following them around.

This week was a great week to see friends and family we haven't seen in quite some time, however, along with that comes many late nights and less sleep, so we are all pretty wiped out. This week we plan to take it easy and recuperate from the long week. I have my first experience as "wedding coordinator" for a wedding at our church this weekend, so I'm resting up for another long weekend.

Here are some picture of our fantabulous weekend. Enjoy!
Until next time...

2008 Bohrer Memorial Day Picnic-Weekend2

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

All Better...

So, finally after about 3 weeks of just yuckiness in our household, we are finally BACK!

We like to do things as a family, so this time we thought we would all get some Antibiotics together too! Morgan ended up with an ear infection after about 1 and 1/2 weeks of a head cold and nasty cough. Paul had quite a productive cough that he got treated with antibiotics and I got my first Sinus infection and my own round of antibiotics. (I was feeling left out). This all took place over about a 3 week period. So, between Morgan not being able to sleep laying down, Paul not being able to sleep without coughing and me not being able to sleep because of the pain in my head, we were exhausted and just a bit touchy. What a treat is was for all of us.

Fortunately we are just finishing the antibiotics and we are doing tremendously better! We are now looking forward to our trip to Minnesota since are healthy and well slept!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rising Gael

Rising Gael is a young Irish band that is based in Madison. They are great to watch and Paul and I have had the pleasure of watching them at a local restaurant in town before Morgan was born. They are just amazing! They are also playing at Fitchburg Days this weekend. Hopefully we can take some time and go watch them.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Many New Changes...

So, I have been very bad at keeping our site updated...but I have good reason. We have finally got our internet hooked back up after the big move to our new house! yay! So, now that it's up and running, I don't have much of an excuse not to post. We moved into our new house about 3 weeks ago and we're finally settling in. Morgan did pretty well, but over the past week we all have developed a pretty good head cold so it's been pretty rough. Morgan's been up a lot the last 3 nights so, needless to say none of us have gotten much sleep. We keep telling ourselves that these colds have to go away sometime!!!

Our house is wonderful and it's great having all the space. Morgan has really enjoyed exploring all the new things around the house. She also loves the laundry shoot...I'm waiting to see what ends up down there! (food, toys, books???)

The business is also getting pretty busy and that is a great thing, finally. We are pretty booked up for the next few weeks at least and at the rate the work is coming, I don't foresee any problems this summer! We are excited that the summers seem to keep us busy! Speaking of summer, it is finally starting to warm up a bit and Morgan got to wear shorts to daycare just yesterday! We can't believe how much she's grown up! She has legs! Long ones!!! She's not a chubby little baby anymore! It was quite a realization, that's for sure!

That is about all for now! I'll try to keep things a little more current from now on...and I will make sure to get a picture of our new house, for all of you to see!

Here are some photo's to hold you over!
