Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Morgan's First Steps!!!

Last night Morgan took her first steps ALL BY HERSELF! YAY!!! She was walking from me to Daddy, and she took 4 steps! That was a HUGE proud parent moment. It was very exciting for all of us. Morgan laughed a little bit, but didn't quite have a big smile like we did. She was excited, but still kinda nervous about doing it by herself! Morgan's definitely been the cautious child, so I don't think she has realized that she could walk by herself. So needless to say, once she really realizes that she can do it on her own, she's sure to take off!

We tried to get video of this major milestone, however Morgan was VERY excited once we got the video camera out and fell to her knees to crawl to the shiny metal "toy" as fast as possible. So much for getting her on video walking...what a ham!

Hopefully she'll allow us to video tape her without her stopping to attack the camera! We'll share it as soon as we can get it!

Aww...Our little girls growin' up!

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