Saturday, March 31, 2007

Morgan's Baptism - March 25, 2007

Morgan's Special day was on March 25, 2007. It was great to have Eric, Jen, Great-Grandma Bohrer, and Larry in town for the big event! Jeff, Dana, Abby, Caleb, Anna and Noah were also there as well as all of our friends from church. It was great to have everyone there to be with our family to welcome Morgan into God's family. Morgan did so good and only let out a little squeal once, just so we all knew that she was awake! I was so happy I couldn't keep my tears in. It was absolutely beautiful!

(As you can see above, Morgan wasn't quite so happy for pictures after the ceremony. She is definitely getting attached to that Nuk).

After church we enjoyed a lunch with all of our friends and family at the Hanschke's house. Morgan was a good girl and enjoyed playing and cooing at everyone (while laying on the floor). Unfortunately, she has already gotten to the stage where she doesn't want to be held, and would rather lay on the floor and check things out herself. A very independent girl! It was a long but wonderful day for all of us!

Stay tuned for pictures taken during the ceremony... I'll post them as soon as I get some from family.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

First "On Camera" Smile!!!

Morgan's first smile on Camera! Hurray, she can smile on cue now! The picture with the lion was taken as she was playing with her baby gym (that Nany gave her). She just loves it, as you can see! It is great entertainment and endless MINUTES of fun! (Of course, she can only handle so much at one time. It's quite the overload to the senses!) The other pictures were taken during our morning "play time." She is already quite the talker and such a happy baby! I just love her dimples too. Thank you daddy for those adorable dimples!

Tune in next time for the wonderful adventures of Morgan Grace at the Bohrer household!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Bath time for Morgan

Morgan's first bath with both Mommy and Daddy was a complete success! She absolutely loved it and was talking up a storm the whole time!

The picture of her in the towel is one of my absolute favorites. You just gotta love it! Perfectly cute in every way! We didn't know it was possible, but we just love her more and more every day! I often wonder how many times I've kissed her in just one day! (Or in just one hour!) She is just so cuddly and kissable! We are so grateful that she is a very good natured baby and we have truly been blessed to have Morgan in our lives. It has definitely been life changing, but we love it and we wouldn't have it any other way!