Saturday, February 10, 2007

Morgan Grace Has Arrived!!!

Morgan Grace Bohrer arrived January 29, 2007 at 5:20pm. She weighed 7lbs. 6oz. and was 20 inches long.

She is so beautiful it makes our hearts melt. We love to just stare at her while she sleeps, which makes it difficult to sleep while she is sleeping! She has just been the most wonderful baby since she is very mellow and only cries when she's hungry or having her diaper changed. She is sleeping for 3 hours at a time at night, so we are able to get a good amount of sleep, which we are very grateful for. We have just been so blessed these past couple of weeks and we praise God for this beautiful child we have been given. We couldn't have made something so beautiful on our own!

We have taken tons of pictures already, and here are just a few. We are having trouble making a link to add them all to this website, but as soon as we can figure that out, we will be able to share more pictures!

Until then, Enjoy!

1 comment:

Mpenson24 said...

Congratulations! She is such a beautiful baby! I am so happy for both of you! God has truly blessed both of you.