Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Nursery!

Hi Everyone!

The Nursery is just about finished. We assembled the crib and put on the bedding, so we are on the home stretch!!! She'll be here soon! Only 5 weeks left!


Kris Bohrer said...

Hi Paul and Jess,
What an adorable nursery setting to bring the baby in to.

An update:

Theresa and Ted had a baby girl yesterday, 12/27/06
6lb. 6 oz.
19 1/4 inches
at 10:13 am.

Lila Jean McCann

Aunt Kris

Christine said...

Looks like you and Paul are all set, with the exception of taking the Diaper Genie OUT of the box. It will be more helpful that way. :) What a welcoming place you have created for your little pumpkin.

Christine Greger