Saturday, September 19, 2009

Paul Thinks He's Maverick

Our friend Tim, who's in the Navy, flew into town last weekend for short visit. Paul tried on some of his gear...kinda did look like Maverick; only about 6 inches taller. Can you see it???

Morgan is a Preschooler!

Our Sweet baby girl is growing up so fast! Morgan began preschool on Wednesday, September 9th. (090909; a cool day indeed) A few weeks before school started we read books about preschool, and talked about what happens during the day. I have to say, I was a little more than worried about how she would handle it. She tends to be a shy girl and only a few months ago had SEVERE separation anxiety every day for 3 weeks when I dropped her off at daycare.

Once the day arrived, she was SO excited to go AND excited that she could bring her packpack to school, (also know as a backpack). I LOVE it so much when she says packpack, that I don't even want to correct it. One day she'll learn to say it correctly and I'll be sad. So, Wednesday morning was a shortened day. Paul and I stayed with her for a bit. We decorated a crown that she'll get to wear when she turns 3 and we got to hang around for circle time where they sang about Jesus. It was absolutely fascinating to be a part of that. Watching all of the kids and seeing where Morgan fits into it all. During circle time they all sat on their carpet squares, and by all I mean that the teachers tried their best to keep them on all on their carpet squares. Morgan sat SO well and followed direction too. I was absolutely amazed! To think that they're little minds can actually follow simple commands. Too bad they don't follow those simple commands at home! ;) Morgan was such a good girl and my heart lept just watching her grow up before my own eyes.

Last week was her first full week of preschool and she's loved every day of it. The first day I picked her up, she told me, "Morgan no want to go, want to stay here." SO cute! That was a good sign that she likes it! From what I've heard the teachers really love her. They keep saying how sweet she is and that she follows directions very well. They've even used Morgan as an example to follow what Morgan is doing. They say she's still a bit hesitant on the playground. She is more of a watcher than a doer, but they keep telling her to run and play. I'm sure that will happen soon enough! I'm SO proud of our little pumpkin!

Here are some of the pictures we got of our happy, excited girl the first morning of preschool!

This one below is the picture after we put her in pants and decided it was WAY too cold that morning to send her in skorts. (of course it heated up quickly and then after preschool we changed into shorts again. Gotta love this time of year!)