Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2-Year Olds Are Funny!

It has been such a blessing over the last couple of months to watch Morgan grow, and too see how God has given her such an amazing ability to grasp the concept of new things. Each day she is saying SO many new words, and understanding so many things that I am just in awe of how her brain works.

Recently, I've tried to make an agreement with myself to write every funny thing she says down...or at least blog about it, so someday she'll hear about it. I SO wish that I could have a hidden camera in the car when we are driving to and from daycare everyday. I'm pretty sure the athorities would frown upon me trying to videotape our conversations in the car! What amazing conversations we have, and I am really beginning to LOVE that time. We sing, say prayers, talk about the things we see and it is a lot of fun to be with her as she's learning and growing. Here are just a some of the things she's said in the past couple weeks...

One day I was praying aloud in the car, and she asked if she could pray too. I asked her who we should pray for and she said our Pastor. SO cool! So, I said, "Let's Pray." She said, "No Mama pray Pastor Jeff, Morgan pray Pastor Jeff." I said, "Ok, you can pray by yourself" She then proceeded to fold her hands, close her eyes and bow her head (VERY CUTE!) and then I could see her mumbling. I heard her saying our bedtime prayer and I nearly died with laughter (inside my head of course). Then she smiled, lifted her head and said "AMEN!" This was one of the cutest things I have witnessed. We are blessed with such an amazing loving little girl and my heart grew 10 times just watching and listening to her that day. (and Pastor Jeff, she prayed the Now I Lay Me prayer just for you!)

Another funny story...One day Morgan had asked me why I had stopped the car. She wanted me to keep driving of course, so I had been teaching her what stoplights were as we were driving. I showed her the colors and that we stop at red lights, and we go at green lights. So, "Red means stop, Yellow means caution, and green means GO!" (and hearing her yell caution is just so darn cute!) One day, about a week later, I had turned around to talk with her while the stop light was red. We had been there for about 15 seconds when Morgan said, "Mama, Green means go!" I turned around to see a green light! I was SO impressed! Now she's telling me how to drive and she's only 2!!!

I have one last funny story to share today...To give you some background in case you haven't read our previous posts. Morgan has recently been potty trained. We are no longer in diapers, YAY!!! So she has really been into all stuff about the potty. She LOVES this movie we have called "Potty Power." (P.s. I would encourage any of you who are going to do potty training to get this movie! Morgan just loves it and it's VERY basic. They just sing songs, and talk about the basics of going potty. I thought it was a great tool to help Morgan understand). Anyway, I digress; So, one day we were running really late on the way to daycare. I told her we were late for daycare because the power went out at home. Of course I wasn't thinking clearly and any 2 year old would then ask what that means. Try explaining a power outage to your toddler someday. NOT an easy task. So, I gave it a whirl knowing it wouldn't really go anywhere. I said that the power had gone out, that it controls a lot of the things in our house like the lights, the fans, our alarm clocks by our beds, and her sound machine too. Then she said, as if perfectly factual information, "Like Potty Power, Like Morgan's Potty Power!" and what else could I say??? I was laughing so hard. I said...yep, kinda like potty power! (Yeh, you give it a try sometime and see if you can do any better!)

Well, those are a few stories for right now. I hope they gave you a little chuckle. They sure gave me one!

Til me meet again!