Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is Here...almost...

So it has been almost 2 months since I last posted. Uploading pictures to our blog, to facebook, to snapfish (to buy them and put in albums) has NOT been high on the priority list. Too many places to upload pictures, and I have had very little desire to do so. The last couple of weeks we have certainly got a taste of spring and have spent a ton of time outside. Praise God for warm days of 50's and 60's, and even one day of 70! We've even grilled out twice already this year. Mmm...Hamburgers! Morgan has already played in the dirt and fell in the mud and she was totally OK with that! We gave her some gardening tools to play with and she was entertained for quite a while. It gave us some time to chat and have a nice conversation while she was busy getting dirty! Below are a couple pictures of her having fun in the dirt!

By the end of that night she was caked full of dirt and had a muddy knee. What fun for a 2 year old toddler! Spring has been amazing for all of us, since Morgan hasn't been bored. Her tantrums had gotten a bit more frequent, but now we know that she was just totally bored! Another bonus of spring and playing outside: she is running ALL over the place. Quite the change from last year when she would barely move in the grass! AND she is EXHAUSTED and sleeps VERY well. She doesn't even talk to herself when we put her in bed, and most of the time when we check on her before we go to bed, she is in the exact same position as when we left. She doesn't even have the energy to move!

Lately Morgan just seems like such a big girl! She's growing up...sigh. She is talking in complete sentences and so many times I have laughed out loud as what she says. The other day we were in the car, with the windows down because it was really nice outside and she said, "Wind too loud, for Morgan." I nearly died. It was SO funny. I suppose she probably can't remember the last time we had the windows open!!!

Over the past 3 weeks, we've been struggling with Morgan's separation anxiety. She has not done well being left at Christina's house each morning (our daycare). This week will be pretty rough, since Christina is on vacation and Morgan will be going to our old daycare for the week. We met with them tonight to catch up and we ended up leaving when Morgan started crying and saying she wanted to go home 20 minutes into the visit. This will be a VERY rough week for me. Pray that she does well and I'm able to withstand a week of meltdowns!