Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nanny Visits for Morgan's 2nd Birthday

All week long we've heard Morgan sing, "Happy Birthday Cake Morgan!" (this is her version of Happy Birthday) I would gather from that alone that she REALLY enjoyed her birthday this past week.

Nanny got into town the Friday before Morgan's birthday. Then on Thursday, Morgan's birthday, we all went out to eat at Pedro's. Morgan got a cupcake, but not before they came out singing and clapping and scared the daylights out of her! She was crying and leaning toward Paul saying "up, up!" The staff must not have training on what to do when a baby's crying while they're singing the happy birthday song because they just kept singing until the end! Oh well, after a bite of cupcake Morgan was all smiles again! After dinner we headed back home for more fun with presents and ice cream cake. Morgan got to stay up late and she loved every minute of it! We also had a birthday party on Saturday with some family. Morgan had no problems tearing open her gifts this year, and she absolutely had a blast with her cousins!

What a difference ONE year makes in the short life of a two year old. After watching old home video's recently from Morgan's 1st birthday, I am completely in awe of Morgan's growth. Last year at this time Morgan didn't know how to walk, talk, open gifts, and was afraid of everyone! So much has changed. She's running, and certainly talking; even singing. Morgan is learning so much every day and it’s amazing to see her growing SO fast. She is 34inches, and 31 pounds now! She is putting together 5-word sentences and at her recent doctor's appoint, they said her speaking and actions are at 3 year old level. We are SO proud of her!

I'm such a proud mommy that I have to spend a moment gloating. She can count from 1 – 10, and has recently started the journey to count to 20. She sings all of the ABC's, except that last line about "next time sing with me." She knows all the letters though! Morgan also LOVES to sing. She sings Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, The B-I-B-L-E song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the list goes on...She is also now praying for her babies when she "feeds" them and puts them to "sleep". Too Sweet! She is such a cuddle bug right now. I just love all of her hugs and kisses. I wish that she would stay 2 forever. I'm so in love!

Nanny went home on Sunday after spending 10 days with us. Morgan loved having Nanny around! She loved having another playmate to enjoy "making someting" in her new kitchen with. Nanny was able to spend a few days at home with Morgan while I went to work, and then I was able to take Thursday and Friday off to hang out. Nanny left on Sunday, and since then Morgan has been asking "Nanny go?" especially at bedtime. We had a great time, but it was just too short and Morgan misses her already!

Here are a few pictures of the fun time we had!