Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our 3rd Anniversary, and a bit of everything!

Fall has come and we are still as busy as ever. Hopefully within the next few weeks the pace will slow down! As a follow-up to my previous blog, I am doing MUCH better! I did have one more follow up visit at the doctors after my first week of work and I was having some more trouble breathing. Turns out that they said I was having the burning sensation because my lungs were just tired and trying to recover. That was good news...the not so good news is that they said my lungs would probably take more like 3 months to recover than 1 month. LOVELY! Other than that I've been doing well. Just overly tired, but that's to be expected, not to mention that I can't seem to find time to barely sit down! Here is how our last week has played out...

Last weekend we went to Paul's Cousin, Angie's 30th b-day party. That was a blast! Grandma took Morgan for the night so we could spend the night at Neil and Kelly's house. That was awesome. It was a great night. We stayed up WAY too late and didn't really sleep in, so we lost of a bunch of hours, but it was well worth it! Here are a couple pictures from that night!

So, Monday we got back and realized that our friends, Keenan and Linsdey were coming to town this weekend. They are here for a friends wedding and they are staying with us, which is really awesome. We also found out that other friends went to the hospital Tuesday and had their baby on Wednesday, our anniversary. Yay!!! Wednesday night Paul and I spent a quiet evening together with a bottle of wine and our wedding video. We had talked about doing something, but neither of us had the time or energy to really give it any thought. Turns out that our anniversary was wonderful just staying home, enjoying ourselves and watching our wedding video on the big-screen together. Here are a couple pictures we took in our theater room on our 3rd Wedding Anniversary!

Thursday we also had an Anniversary-plus-1 day lunch. Paul met me at work and took me to lunch at Tony Roma's. It was pretty good food, but it was great to see Paul in the middle of the day! That was fabulous! So, Thursday evening we waited for Lindsey to get into town, then I headed off for a quick visit to see the new baby! Baby Alaina Autumn was just SO adorable. I've NEVER seen a baby with such big cheeks. I think that is where all of her weight was...her cheeks and head! The rest of her was SOOO petite. Anyway, so after holding her for quite sometime (I was very lucky that family or grandparents weren't around! I had her ALL to myself!), I realized how much I REALLY would like to have another little one running around! I guess they have had a little bit of difficultly with their 2 year old the last few days, but they suspect that it is mostly due to the fact that he's been spending the nights with his Nana since Tuesday while they've been in the hospital. I don't envy them as Kylan goes through this stage. I just pray that he stays potty trained!!!!

I got home on Thursday night just in time for the Grey's Anatomy 2-hour season premiere, man was that good timing! That was Thursday. Friday I went to work as usual, and Paul picked Morgan up from daycare so I could fly home, change and meet back at church to train someone as a wedding coordinator. I was kinda bummed that I had to do this since Lindsey was in town already. (Keenan came in on Saturday). So I spent 2 1/2 hours with that and was finally able to come home! Yay!

So now it's Saturday, Morgan is napping and what am I doing??? Updating you all on our fabulous life! Here are some more picture from the last month... and now I'm going to sit down and read a book!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Scary Trip to the ER

The last 10 days have been anything but fact, I'm sure we couldn't have possibly fit anything else into the last week. Paul summed it up pretty well in an email to family early this week...

So we've had a pretty hard last ten days. Last weekend, the van broke down and I missed two days of work. Then my friend Mike was in town for Nichole's funeral which really sucked. Then Jess woke up Fri morning having difficulty breathing which resulted in an ambulance ride to the ER. Ends up she had a severe allergic reaction to an antibiotic she was on, and her lung tissue became inflamed which led to the labored breathing. She spent Fri and Sat in the hospital. While I was bringing Morgan home from the hospital on Fri night, we were a mile from home and she started throwing up all over herself. I got her bathed, and in bed, then proceeded to clean out the car and car seat until 11 pm. She subsequently puked in her bed for the next four nights. I believe i was doing laundry at 2:30 am Sunday morning. Jess is getting better, but not allowed to work this week. It will take up to a month to regain all lung capacity. Morgan stopped chucking just in time to start her new daycare yesterday, which I am now driving her to and fro, because Jess can't drive either. I believe I've been able to squeeze in about ten hours of work in the last week...

That just about sums up our last 10 days. Fortunately, Morgan hasn't been sick in the last two nights, and she has now had 2 successful days at daycare. Our new daycare lady is wonderful and Morgan really seems to like Christina (Nina as she says) and the other kids. I had a follow up appointment yesterday to see how the lungs are doing. All of my vital stats are back to normal, however my lungs still get tired easily, so I'm still trying to keep it low-key. I also start work this week too, so I pray I'll have the energy to keep up with a 40 hour work week. We'll see...