Friday, August 22, 2008

Finding childcare...the homestretch?

At the end of July we found out that our current daycare provider would be going back to work September 1st. The past month we have been scrambling to find people to watch Morgan. It has been an interesting, exhausting road but we're getting there, I think. We have met with different providers every night this week. This morning I said to Paul, "Guess, What? It's Friday AND we aren't meeting with anyone tonight!!!" Yay!!! However, that is short lived. We are still meeting with three more people by Wednesday of next week. Hopefully by Thursday we'll have a decision made! Please pray that we find someone who is exactly what we're looking for and someone who will love and care for Morgan like we do.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Morgan's 18 Months!

Morgan turned 18 months at the end of July and she has just exploded with all of her talking. And yes, I mean all of her talking, whether understood or not! We are continually amazing at her ability to learn new things so quickly. She brings such a joy to our house!

We didn't get many pictures of her this time, as she was pretty unhappy at picture time. Fortunately, daddy's phone is still very exciting and managed to put a smile on her face for a few minutes so we could get some happy pictures! Enjoy! :)