Sunday, July 27, 2008

Busy Summer Already

Ok. I've been pretty bad about posting on our blog all summer. We have been so busy these last couple of months, I can't seem to find enough time to sleep, let alone update you all on the happenings of our crazy life. AND, because I am absolutely addicted to a book series I was introduced to by some friends at church. I am reading the O'Malley series by Dee Hendrickson. If you ever have the time, or even if you don't (I don't have the time and I'm reading them), you should really check them out. It is a GREAT Christian based series. I am already on book 3 and it's only been about 5 weeks. So, when I tell you they're good, I mean it! So basically what I'm saying is that I'm reading these books in all my free time instead of keeping you updated!
Sorry ;)

To back up a bit, June was a crazy month filled with camping trips and Friends and family in town to visit. One weekend in June we had a FULL house! Paul's Cousin Tom and his family were here, as well as Paul's friend, Neil and his family, and another friend, Sam. ALL of them were at our house one weekend! There were 7 adults, and 7 kids ages 6 and younger! WHOA! It was CRAZY FUN! We had a blast, stayed up late, woke up early and paid for it all weekend long! It was an awesome, tiring time but it was so much fun and I hope we can do it again next summer! Also in June, Paul and the other Bohrer guys went on their annual camping trip for the summer. They spent a weekend of fun at Perrot State Park in Wisconsin. They went canoing and hiking and this year it didn't rain!

July has been much of the same craziness. We took Morgan to the zoo one weekend, which was a lot of fun. It was just a gorgeous day without ANY humidity. It was beautiful. Morgan had a blast watching the animals while nibbling on some snacks and juice. What more could a girl want??? She oohed and ahhed at the giraffe's. There was even a baby giraffe. It was a lot of fun to see Morgan watching all the animals! She is just so adorable!

Paul got to go to Miller Park, with a buddy from our lifeGroup, to see the Brewer's and Twin's play. He went to the right game; Twin's beat the Brewer's by a landslide! Of course, that was the week after all the flooding in Wisconsin so they had a 45 minute detour at Midnight trying to get home and didn't get home until 2am. That was quite a treat!

The church staff and all of our families also went to a Brewer's game last week. That was a TON of fun! Tailgating with church people is AWESOME! It was my first experience with Wisconsin tailgating. I'll tell ya what, if you haven't tailgated in Wisconsin, you haven't tailgated yet!!! It was just the most amazing experience.

And, of course I need to share some Morgan tidbits. I think she has hit some 18 month milestone or something. She is just talking constantly...even if it makes no sense. She has always been the child to wait to talk until she knows just how to say it correctly. Well, that has gone out the window. She just walks around jibber-jabbing about anything and everything and we have NO idea what she's saying. It's so hilarious. She is starting to use many 2 word phrases like 'eat apple' or 'more cheese' and it's just amazing to watch her grow. She has also just learned how to say "mine." LOVE that one! She says 'Chico' all the time, which is our daycare providers' dogs' name. She just LOVES chico. Some day we will have to get a dog! We also just found out last week that our daycare provider, Jenny, has to go back to work because she's unable to find more children to care for. That is REALLY sad! Two of Jenny's kids have gone back home with their mom's because they have new baby brothers and sisters, so that leaves Morgan as the only full-time kid left. It's sad to think that we will have to take Morgan away from the routine, and the friends that she is accustomed to and she'll have to start all over again. It makes me want to cry just to think about it. I know God will take care of her and find a good place for her to go. It's just VERY stressful to find someone you know will love and care for your child as you do. I really don't even want to begin the search. It's just so overwhelming. I do have a couple of leads on in-home daycare from some people at church though, so pray that we find someone who will love her and enjoy her as much as we do!

We have a staff retreat at work for the next 2 days, so I'm excited to see what that is all about. I'll have to let you know more next time...I need to get back to my book! :) That is all for now!
Here is a sneak-peak into our lives this summer!!!