Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pictures of the New House!

Finally I found some time, and a sunny day to take some pictures of our new house! Morgan was sleeping, so I didnt' get a picture of her room, but I'll try at some point!

Take a look!

New House - May08 I spoke too soon...

So here I am...playing on the computer this morning because, yet again my family is sick. Paul and Morgan are both napping, so I'm catching up with my email and ordering pictures online. In the last couple of days Morgan has come down with a nasty dry cough. It's been much of the same old stuff...getting up at night, holding her, giving her medicine and suction her poor little nose. I also think she might be teething, so that is adding to the crabbiness. Paul has been completely congested and practically used a box of tissues in one night. So, I am hoping that I stay clear of the nastiness this time. Hopefully, this bout of colds will be much quicker than the last!

I plan to have much more exciting news the next time I write!