Saturday, November 3, 2007

Our Little Piglet

Halloween was lots of fun this year. It's much more fun when you have children, and you see them get so excited! Our sweet little girl went as piglet. She was just too sweet! She went trick-or-treating with her cousins around their neighborhood. Abby was a Nebraska Cheerleader, Caleb was a lion, Anna was Cinderella (before she was a princess), and Noah was a frog. They were all so cute together! It was a blast to watch them all. This year Morgan was just content to sit and watch everyone from the stroller. I guess we better enjoy that this year, I'm sure next year she'll want to get out and run with the big kids! Just the thought that she'll be walking next Halloween is just CRAZY!!! AHHHH!!!!

Morgan was a bit under the weather on Halloween night, and we found out Thursday night that she has her first ear infection. The poor little girl. We have to say that she has been quite the trooper though. We have one tough cookie and she has already shown signs that the medication is working. She is mostly back to her happy self and we couldn't be happier. We realized how much we missed her happy laughs and big smiles!

So, here are a few pictures of halloween!