Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Labor Day Weekend in St. Paul

Labor Day weekend was a great extended weekend for us. We left Friday night and didn't have to come back until Tuesday. It was a great trip! We were able to catch up with a lot of the family and Morgan was able to play with her cousins!

On Saturday, Morgan spent some time with Grandma while Paul and I went out for a few hours. It was great for Paul and I spend some quality time together! Of course, that doesn't happen too often these days, so it was much appreciated. Saturday evening, Paul, Morgan and I met up with the cousins and their kids. Morgan got to sit and play with Lila, baby Gavin, and baby Gabby. Meanwhile, Emma, Ashlyn and Izzy were running around playing too! We also got to visit with Tracy, who is due with twins in December! She looked wonderful and it was great to hear all about those sweet little boys growing in her tummy! It was a regular daycare, but it was a lot of fun to watch them all and catch up! We stayed pretty late and Morgan did very well sleeping at their place. I guess she felt right at home with all the kids running and crawling around!

Gone are the days of sleeping in after staying out late! So, we tried to have a relaxing Sunday morning and in the afternoon we spent some time with Grandpa Larry, and Sue. Morgan was a bit hesitant around Grandpa Larry, but it didn't take long before she was giving him her sweet dimpled smiles! Morgan even took a good nap at their house. We're glad we have such a versatile daughter and she doesn't seem to be very picky about where she sleeps!

Monday Paul and I went to the Twins game, which was quite uneventful, but it was still fun to get out and enjoy the afternoon. Morgan played with Cousin Lila at Ted and Theresa's house while we were gone. Finally, Tuesday we headed home. We were all exhausted, but we had a blast!

Below are some pictures from the trip!

Labor Day Weekend