Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Morgan has gotten her second tooth now! We just found it today, but it looks like it has been there a couple of days already. I can't believe how quickly it happens. I guess once the first one's through, they just a keep on comin'!!!

Stay tuned...I am sure there is more to come yet!

More random pics of the FAM in July!

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Captain Underpants!!!

Morgan - 5 & half mos. (July)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Morgan's First Tooth!!!

Tuesday was a very exciting day! I was giving Morgan some Orajel for those gooey little gums, when I felt something sharp! Morgan's first tooth was coming in!!! Yay!!! It's been a couple of rough days for her, but she is pulling through and the tooth is visible now! We can't believe she already has a tooth! What a big girl! Until next time....

Saturday, July 7, 2007