Saturday, January 27, 2007

40 Weeks; Baby girl due anytime...

40 Weeks! We made it! Today is baby girl's due date and she is still not here as of yet, so we'll keep waiting and waiting... We had our doctor's appointment yesterday and things are progressing, so hopefully she'll arrive this week. If nothing happens this week, then we will discuss induction options at our appointment next Friday. We hope to have our little girl in our arms by then! We'll keep you all posted!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Christmas 2006

Christmas was wonderful this year. We stayed in Madison since it was so close to my due date and it was great to relax a little bit. We went to the Candlelight Service with Jeff, Dana, and the kids at their church, St. Andrews. Then we all met back at their place for some present opening and card playing. It was a great time!

Paul and I spent Christmas Day together and it was very relaxing, which was MUCH needed. We are already looking forward to next year. Baby girl will be 11 months old! Wow! I can't wait! Only 2 more weeks and counting...We are as ready as we are going to be, so bring it on!!!