Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Nursery!

Hi Everyone!

The Nursery is just about finished. We assembled the crib and put on the bedding, so we are on the home stretch!!! She'll be here soon! Only 5 weeks left!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Baby Girl Bohrer @ 33 Weeks

Hello All,

Here is our baby girl at 33 weeks. We were even lucky enough to get a few pictures in 3D. She showed her face for all of 30 seconds right as we were about to wrap up, so we are very fortunate that she decided to make an appearance so we could see her face! And with her eyes open! Wow! She has grown so much since the last ultrasound in July! She is a healthy 4 1/2 pounds already, so they concluded that we are on course for an 8 pound baby. Again, everything looked wonderful, so we are very excited!

Now there's only about six weeks left until our lives become absolutely nuts. Time has just flown by! We are very close to finishing the baby's room and we just got the crib, so we have to assemble that. That is the last piece of major furniture, so we are just about ready for her arrival! We can't wait!!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pregnancy Pictures

This first picture is of me at 15 weeks and there isn't much of a tummy there at all yet! The second picture is of me at 30 weeks. A lot had changed since that first picture, including the size of my waist!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Baby dresser and shelf - all painted!

Paul surprised me with a dresser that he built just for our little girl. We have finally finished painting it, so here it is!

The Mini-shelf we bought and I had a great time painting that too!

Our little Cashew

Hola Family/Friends,

Welcome to our new blog! We will try to keep this up to date, however, we are still learning as we go along, so it may take a bit to figure it all out.

We wanted to start at the beginning, so here is our first picture of our little cashew at 11 weeks (back in July). It's amazing to see how much she's grown since then! Wow, how time flies!